
We accept Donations via PayPal and credit card and appreciate your Support. You can specify your Donation amount here, then add to cart and check out. Thank you.

We accept Donations via PayPal and credit card and appreciate your Support. You can specify your Donation amount here, then add to cart and check out. Thank you.

Our Mission & Offerings
A large part of our Mission here is to assist as many Souls as we can, while raising our children and living a happy & healthy life. We assist others in spiritual expansion, letting go of old emotional layers and transforming their belief systems to support a more positive Spirit-guided life. We guide others to feel deeply empowered to be all they can be in the Here and Now, while also deeply remembering their Multidimensional nature.

We offer Guided Meditations & Channeled Messages with Opheana & Sikaal videos.

How to move through Challenges & Receive Guidance
Here are some powerful options to assist you to move through challenges in your life and to receive guidance on your next steps.

I: Guided Meditations and Channeled Messages with Opheana & Sikaal:
Tune into both YouTube Channels and connect with the Guided Meditations that call to you and listen to the Channeled Messages with Opheana & Sikaal videos that you are drawn to for further puzzle pieces in regards to the subjects that you feel you would like to know more about.

II: Energetic Support:
A: Energetic Pillar: set up your Energetic Pillar (‘The Pillar Explained: Your Source to Earth Connection’) 3x daily and receive guidance from your God Presence (Spirit | Higher Self).
B: EFT Tapping: write down your emotionally charged memories and negative thoughts/beliefs and use EFT Tapping until all feels calm and clear.
C: Meditation: meditate daily to receive guidance from your Higher Self and your life in regards to answers you currently need / seek: – signs from nature and the world around you will help you; – people, circumstance, situations and events will have reflections, keys and answers for you; – your dreams will give you clues; – your Support Teams, Guides, Ascension Council and your Spirit will continually be in contact with you; ask for help, listen and receive. You can choose a Guided Meditation from our series, or you can simply sit in, for instance your Pillar and receive in this way as well. You have all the answers within yourself and your God Presence will guide you clearly. You are never alone and always supported.
D: Readings via Email: the Energy Body Reading & our Ascension Consciousness Reading will give you a lot of information and downloads to support your Ascension Process.
E: Divine Light Academy: have a look at the Sacred Mystery School & Life Mastery Training and Teachings offered at the Divine Light Academy. These include ‘Setting Up Your Energetic Space for Channeling, Healing & Meditation’ and ‘Energy Clearing, Healing & Protection – Advanced’ next to weekly Meditations with the Divine Light Meditation Membership.

Sending Healing Energy – Offering Blessings – Giving Other Guidance & Assistance

Regularly in our family rituals we ask for blessings for all beings on Earth. Next to this we don’t send healing energy by request, offer blessings or give other guidance or assistance other than our chosen channels of assistance as stated above or what we are guided to in each moment. Other than that, we are not able to assist in other ways at current. We appreciate your understanding and invite you to connect to your Spirit and your Support Teams for healing energy, blessings and further guidance and assistance. Trust that they and the Family of Light are always there for you, you only need to ask.

Connecting – Community – Interviews – Collaborations – Projects – Working Together
We receive frequent messages in regards to connecting in a variety of ways such as through community, interviews, collaborations, projects and other forms of working together. We currently are very fulfilled with our chosen offerings, however always follow our Higher Guidance and Heart & Soul Calling for our next steps. If we receive guidance in regards to connecting in any way, we will contact you after we have read your message. As always, the Universe will organize and align all via the Law of Attraction, through the deep connections we all share as Souls on a Multidimensional Journey.

It is our deepest heart and soul wish that all beings on Earth feel their true empowerment, are free, and truly know the depth of their oneness with all that is. In our human experience we have a certain amount of time and energy and so feel it is important for each of us to choose care-fully and lovingly, so that we may all fulfil our mission here to the best of our ability.

Thank you so much for your message and sharing with us.

We wish you all the best on your powerful and divine spiritual journey.

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We accept Donations via PayPal and credit card and appreciate your Support. You can specify your Donation amount here, then add to cart and check out. Thank you.
